Accepted: 10 Apr. 2024 This work is a segment of an ongoing doctoral research in Brazil. The Leonardo numbers and the Leonardo sequence have gained attention from …
Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall) and hybrid poplars are well- known bioenergy crops. With advances in tree breeding, it is increasingly necessary to find …
Given the purpose of mathematical evolution of Leonardo's sequence, we have the prospect of introducing complex polynomials, bivariate polynomials and bivariate polynomials around …
This paper presents a study based on didactic engineering and the theory of didactical situations on the complexification of the Leonardo sequence, addressing its numbers in a …
In this work, new results are explored in relation to the Leonardo sequence. With that, a study about this second order recursive sequence, little explored in the mathematical scope …
This article is an excerpt from a master's thesis developed in Brazil, in which we approach recurrent and linear sequences, given some intriguing particularities in their definitions and …
Diante de investigações referentes ao ensino de sequências numéricas, tem-se o interesse de abordar a sequência de Leonardo aplicada aos números híbridos, observando pouca …
Este trabalho objetiva estudar os quaternions de Leonardo, explorando seus teoremas, propriedades e identidades relacionadas. A metodologia adotada foi a Engenharia …
Este artigo apresenta a aplicação do estudo sobre o método de BenTaher-Rachidi para a resolução de sequências numéricas lineares e recorrentes de ordem superior. Assim …