Bus-invert coding for low-power I/O

MR Stan, WP Burleson - IEEE Transactions on very large scale …, 1995 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Technology trends and especially portable applications drive the quest for low-power VLSI
design. Solutions that involve algorithmic, structural or physical transformations are sought …

A survey of power estimation techniques in VLSI circuits

FN Najm - IEEE transactions on very large scale integration …, 1994 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the advent of portable and high-density microelectronic devices, the power dissipation
of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits is becoming a critical concern. Accurate and …

Estimation of average switching activity in combinational and sequential circuits

A Ghosh, S Devadas, K Keutzer, J White - 1992 - books.google.com
We address the problem of estimating the average power dissipated in VLSI combinational
and sequential circuits, under random input sequences. Switch-ing activity is strongly …

A Monte Carlo approach for power estimation

R Burch, FN Najm, P Yang… - IEEE Transactions on Very …, 1993 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The authors investigate a power estimation technique for VLSI that combines the accuracy of
simulation-based techniques with the speed of the probabilistic techniques. The resulting …

Estimation of standby leakage power in CMOS circuits considering accurate modeling of transistor stacks

Z Chen, M Johnson, L Wei, K Roy - Proceedings of the 1998 …, 1998 - dl.acm.org
Low supply voltage requires the device threshold to be reduced in order to maintain
performance. Due to the exponential relationship between leakage current and threshold …

Transition density: A new measure of activity in digital circuits

FN Najm - IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of …, 1993 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Noting that a common element in most causes of runtime failure is the extent of circuit
activity, ie the rate at which its nodes are switching, the author proposes a measure of …

The design and implementation of PowerMill

CX Huang, B Zhang, AC Deng, B Swirski - Proceedings of the 1995 …, 1995 - dl.acm.org
In this paper we discuss the design and implementation of the simulator PowerMill, a novel
transistor level simulator for the simulation of current and power behavior in vlsi circuits. With …

Optimizing power using transformations

AP Chandrakasan, M Potkonjak… - … on Computer-Aided …, 1995 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The increasing demand for portable computing has elevated power consumption to be one
of the most critical design parameters. A high-level synthesis system, HYPER-LP, is …

Architectural power analysis: The dual bit type method

PE Landman, JM Rabaey - IEEE Transactions on Very Large …, 1995 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper describes a novel strategy for generating accurate black-box models of datapath
power consumption at the architecture level. This is achieved by recognizing that power …

Embedded image coding using zeroblocks of subband/wavelet coefficients and context modeling

ST Hsiang - Proceedings DCC 2001. Data Compression …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we present a new embedded wavelet image coding system using quadtree
splitting and context modeling. It features low computational complexity and high …