Dolphin Watching and Compliance to Guidelines Affect Spinner Dolphins' (Stenella longirostris) Behaviour in Reunion Island

B Quintana Martín-Montalvo, L Hoarau, O Deffes… - Animals, 2021 -
Simple Summary Whale and dolphin watching have expanded worldwide, with their impacts
on cetaceans over the short and long terms being widely reported. In Reunion Island, the …

Spinner dolphins of islands and atolls

MO Lammers - Ethology and behavioral ecology of odontocetes, 2019 - Springer
Spinner dolphins, Stenella longirostris, occur globally in tropical and subtropical waters and
form island-associated populations in many parts of the world. These populations are …

Low mtDNA diversity in a highly differentiated population of spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) from the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil

DM Faria, JM da Silva Jr, L Pires Costa… - Plos one, 2020 -
Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris, Gray 1828) are widely distributed in tropical waters
around the world. Although they occur in large, pelagic groups in the Eastern Tropical …

Population genetic structure of Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) from the southwestern Atlantic coast of Brazil

J Ywasaki Lima, FB Machado, APC Farro, LA Barbosa… - Plos one, 2017 -
Sotalia guianensis is a small dolphin that is vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts. Along the
Brazilian Atlantic coast, this species is threatened with extinction. A prioritized action plan for …

Identification of key discriminating variables between spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) whistle types

SD Simpson, CE Miller - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2020 -
Descriptions of the six different spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) whistle types were
developed from a random sample of 600 whistles collected across a 2-yr period from a Fijian …

Populační konektivita a izolace u kytovců

M Žirovnický - 2023 -
Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na specifika výzkumu populační konektivity a genetické
izolace mořských savců, s důrazem na kytovce. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. V první části …

An investigation into the environmental drivers of evolution in marine predators

D MOORE - 2020 -
Understanding the key environmental drivers of population structure formation and evolution
is a fundamental problem in evolutionary biology. Within marine environments, ocean frontal …

Estruturação populacional e diversidade genética de golfinho-rotador (Stenella longirostris) da Bacia de Santos, Atlântico Sul

TL Silva - 2021 -
Conceito de genética de populações, biologia molecular e ecologia, são utilizados pela
genética conservacionista e fornecem estimativas da diversidade genética e estruturação …

[PDF][PDF] Estruturação genética de Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) no Oceano Atlântico

MCC FREIRE - 2017 -
RESUMO O Stenella coeruleoalba é um pequeno cetáceo pelágico da família Delphininae
que apresenta uma ampla distribuição e pode ser encontrado em águas tropicais e …

Structures des communautés micronectoniques en relation avec les conditions environnementales à deux monts sous-marins peu profonds du sud-ouest de l'Océan …

P Annasawmy - 2019 -
Seamounts are ubiquitous topographic features across all ocean basins. They rise steeply
through the water column from abyssal depths. Depending on their size, shape and summit …