Tests on the Indonesian coconut fiber showed that, compared to the results of previous studies, tensile strength and tension failure improved after the fiber was washed with water …
This study aims to assess the benefit brought by fibers content, and fiber length on the splitting tensile behavior of sugar palm fibers reinforced concrete composites. Three fiber …
The compressive strength of the concrete reviewed in this study uses nanosilica and coconut fibers. The addition of coconut fibers to concrete contributes to the construction of …
The coconut fiber presents higher ductile properties than other natural fibers. In previous studies, it demonstrated than Indonesian coconut fibers presents an improved tensile …
The development of nanotechnology continues to grow. The use of nanocement in concrete is expected to reduce the number of pores and improve hydration in concrete and provide …
Beton merupakan bahan bangunan yang umum digunakan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur. Pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi untuk ditambahkan ke dalam beton akan …
4. Bapak Ari Wibowo, ST., MT., Ph. D selaku dosen pembimbing kami yang selalu memberikan motivasi, pengarahan dan pemikiran dalam menyelesaikan tesis ini. 5. Bapak …
Penelitian beton dengan teknologi nano terus dikembangkan. Mengingat kondisi alam Indonesia rawan bencana gempa, maka penelitian beton nano dengan penambahan serat …