[图书][B] Minority accommodation through territorial and non-territorial autonomy

TH Malloy, F Palermo - 2015 - books.google.com
Minority Accommodation through Territorial and Non-Territorial Autonomy explores the
relationship between minority, territory, and autonomy, and how it informs our understanding …

[图书][B] Political Elites and Decentralization Reforms in the Post-socialist Balkans: Regional Patronage Networks in Serbia and Croatia

A Kleibrink - 2015 - Springer
Across the globe, more powers are being devolved to local and regional levels of
government. This book provides an innovative analysis of such decentralisation in transition …

[图书][B] Nationalism and globalisation

S Tierney - 2015 - books.google.com
This book addresses a seemingly paradoxical situation. On the one hand, nationalism from
Scotland to the Ukraine remains a resilient political dynamic, fostering secessionist …

Territoriality and Citizenship: Membership and sub-state polities in post-yugoslav space

D Stjepanović - Europe-Asia Studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article deals with the issue of sub-state citizenship in the post-Yugoslav countries and
focuses on the emergence and definitions of membership. The article analyses conceptions …

Территории, меньшинства и" право владения": взгляд в прошлое и путь в будущее

Ф Палермо - Российский юридический журнал, 2017 - elibrary.ru
Рассматриваются современные подходы к территориальной автономии, сложившиеся
в западной конституционно-правовой и политической науке и находящие отражение в …

Regional Political Movements in South-East Europe

V Raos - Regionalism and Regional Self-Government in South …, 2024 - Springer
This chapter deals with regional political movements in South-East Europe. It differentiates
between 'pure'regionalist parties, ethnic minority parties and ethno-regionalist parties. In the …

Community as Referent and Effect of Authority Claims

T Stack - Engaging Authority: Citizenship and Political …, 2022 - nomos-elibrary.de
This final chapter takes the place of, but is not precisely, a conclusion because I do not
attempt a comprehensive synthesis of the arguments presented by the volume authors. It is …

Minorities, Territories and the Law of Ownership. Back to Basics and the Way Forward

F Palermo - GODIŠNJAK FAKULTETA PRAVNIH NAUKA, 2021 - doisrpska.nub.rs
In public law, the concept of property plays, arguably, a much more limited role than in
private law. At a closer look, however, a rather different picture emerges. In fact, in public …

[PDF][PDF] A területi alapú hatalommegosztás mint a multikulturális európai államok demokratikus stabilitásának lehetséges modellje

K Manzinger - 2019 - real-phd.mtak.hu
Territorial power-sharing applied in multicultural states has become an established
institution of the European state structure that aims to respond to the challenge of …

[PDF][PDF] A területi alapú hatalommegosztás mint a multikulturális európai államok demokratikus stabilitásának lehetséges modellje

M Krisztián - KRE Állam-és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskola, Budapest, 2018 - dns.kre.hu
Az emberi együttélés fontos kérdése a hatalomban való demokratikus részesedés
egyenlősége a modern társadalmakban. A választásokon alapuló hatalomgyakorlás …