JE Peelle, MH Davis - Frontiers in psychology, 2012 -
A key feature of speech is the quasi-regular rhythmic information contained in its slow amplitude modulations. In this article we review the information conveyed by speech rhythm …
Linguistic interaction between two people is the fundamental form of communication, yet almost all research in language use focuses on isolated speakers and listeners. In this …
SK Scott, C McGettigan, F Eisner - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2009 -
The motor theory of speech perception assumes that activation of the motor system is essential in the perception of speech. However, deficits in speech perception and …
J Krivokapić - Journal of phonetics, 2007 - Elsevier
Research on pause duration has mainly focused on the impact of syntactic structure on the duration of pauses within an utterance and on the impact of syntax, discourse, and prosodic …
The enactive approach to cognitive science aims to provide an account of the mind that is both naturalistic and nonreductive. Psychological activity is viewed not as occurring within …
One view of rhythm, not conventionally adopted in speech research, is that it constitutes an affordance for movement. We test this view in an experimental situation in which speakers …
Les psychologues et spécialistes du comportement collectent de plus en plus des données tirées des processus sous-jacents continus. Dans le présent article, nous décrivons un …
In simple terms, interpersonal motor synchronization (IMS) means people moving together at the same time. This type of time-based interaction and coordination is prevalent in a …
The CHAINS corpus is a speech database expressly designed to help to characterize speakers as individuals. The corpus contains the recordings of 36 speakers obtained in two …