Volunteering drivers and continuation will: The role of engagement

M Aboramadan, A Hassi, HJ Alharazin… - Journal of …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose As volunteering research in nonprofit organizations is growing significantly, the
purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of volunteering drivers and work engagement …

Analysis of the factors affecting volunteering, satisfaction, continuation will, and loyalty for public library volunteers: An integrated structural equation model

DG Oh - Journal of Librarianship and information science, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This study aims to develop an integrated model to analyze the behaviors of public library
volunteers in order to help the libraries utilize them as helpful and important human …

Beyond providing information: An analysis on the perceived service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty of public library customers

DG Oh - Libri, 2020 - degruyter.com
This study investigates the customers' perceptions on three traditional dimensions of the
perceived library service quality (library personnel; library resources and user services; and …

How to measure service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty of public library users: Application of library customer satisfaction index (LCSI) lite model

DG Oh - Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
This study develops a simplified Library Customer Satisfaction Index (LCSI Lite) for public
libraries. Using data collected from questionnaires administered at four public libraries in …

Factors Influencing User Satisfaction with University Library Websites in Myanmar

TM Swe, S Yang - Journal of Information Science Theory and …, 2024 - koreascience.kr
This study aims to develop a comprehensive technological framework anchored in a
theoretical model to assess user satisfaction with university library websites (ULWs) in …

[PDF][PDF] 공공도서관이용자가인식하는사서전문성의매개효과연구: 도서관활동경험이도서관인식에미치는영향에서

김초해, 김기영 - 정보관리학회지, 2021 - koreascience.kr
초 록본연구의 목적은 공공도서관사서의전문성이이용자의도서관경험과그로인한도서관
인식을 어떻게매개하는지검토하는 것이다. 이를 위해 이론적 배경과 선행연구를 고찰한 후 …

[PDF][PDF] 도서관서비스품질평가연구에대한비교․ 분석

이응봉 - 한국문헌정보학회지, 2015 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
초 록본 연구에서는 도서관 서비스 품질 평가 관련 국내․ 외 최신 연구동향과 서비스 품질 평가
모형에 대하여전반적으로 살펴보고, 국내의 선행 학술연구를 대상으로 비판적 비교․ 분석을 …

Kütüphaneler İçin Etkili Paydaş Katılımı: Halk Kütüphanelerinde Gönüllülük Örneği

C Ergün, S Bozkurt - Bilgi Ve Belge Araştırmaları, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
Kütüphanelerde paydaş katılımının en etkili uygulama alanı sosyal sorumluluk içeren
gönüllü çalışmalarıdır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, paydaş ve paydaş katılımı konularının …

A Comparative Analysis of Studies on the Service Quality Evaluation of Libraries in Korea

E Lee - Journal of the Korean Society for Library and …, 2015 - koreascience.kr
The purpose of this study is to review recent academic studies on the service quality
evaluation of libraries in Korea and to derive from research trends and several suggestions …


유병희, 박소연 - 정보관리학회지, 2016 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구는 관계 마케팅 분야의 핵심 개념인 전환비용을 도서관 분야에 적용하기 위하여, 문헌
조사 및 면접 조사에 근거하여 대학 도서관 이용자들이 지각하는 전환비용을 정의한 후 …