Managing a modern computing platform's power and clock infrastructure is an increasingly complex task. Failure to manage it correctly can result in grave consequences, up to the …
Modern computers feature large power networks that are non-trivial to safely control. The same is true for the Enzian resarch computer, which has a power network with 37 voltage …
Modern computers increasingly offload low-level management to baseboard management controllers (BMCs). While the research community is actively working toward a trustworthy …
Most system software needs information about the platform they are running on. System configuration can take different forms. Creating system configuration can be tedious and …
Declarative power sequencing solves the difficult and tedious problem of bringing up and managing the power resources of a computing platform by describing the platform in a …
Modern computers feature large power networks that are non-trivial to safely control. The same is true for the Enzian resarch computer [1], which has a power network with 37 voltage …