The practice of communicating anonymously, either by hiding one's name completely or using a false name, has a long tradition in literary, journalistic, and political circles. But the …
J Peters, G Belmas, P Bobkowski - Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent …, 2016 - HeinOnline
The facts of the landmark Supreme Court case Branzburg v. Hayes, 1 which addressed whether requiring journalists to testify before grand juries abridged the First Amendment, are …
The ability to use roadways, parks, and sidewalks to demonstrate against abusive government behavior is deeply ingrained in United States culture and law. 1 When people …
President Donald Trump and his surrogates regularly belittle media outlets that publish articles critical of the administration. Arguably, no newsgathering practice has undergone …
C Stratilatis - EU Internet Law: Regulation and Enforcement, 2017 - Springer
This chapter deals with the issue of whether the right of journalists not to disclose their sources should be extended to protect the various 'citizen journalists' of the New Media. After …
Social media users are recognised to be a new actor in the field of public information. Their activities along with professional journalists' activities of providing information to the public …
Are sign-in-wrap contracts-which are commonly used by firms such as Google, Facebook, Uber, and Amazon-readable? Can American consumers be expected to read these …
The history of American journalism is replete with anecdotes about news reporters enduring jail and other penalties to protect the identities of confidential sources of information. Since …