Literation Movement for Leading Schools: Best Practice and Leadership Power.

Z Nuryana, A Suroyo, I Nurcahyati, F Setiawan… - International Journal of …, 2020 - ERIC
The school literacy movement is the first step of scientific development, aimed at enhancing
science education. It has an important role in encouraging every citizen to have basic …

Pelatihan Menulis Hanzi Sederhana untuk siswa kelas XI SMAN 2 Sidoarjo

HYT Dasion, M Mintowati, M Amri… - ABISATYA: Journal of …, 2023 -
Artikel ini ditulis dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan pemahaman para siswa tentang hanzi,
baik asal-usul atau sejarahnya, cara menulis hanzi baik tentang bentuk goresan, jumlah …

Model pendidikan islam progresif

M Idris, S Mokodenseho - J-PAI: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 -
Islamic education is a future choice, and a reference in developing human potential and the
embryo of world civilization. However, Islamic education does not always run smoothly, and …

The significant of e-assessment for Indonesian literacy with character education in pandemic era

T Ningsih, D Yuwono, M Sholehuddin… - Journal of Social …, 2021 -
Learning at home not only provides written assignments that are changed in electronic form
but must also reflect student learning outcomes at home. Likewise, researchers use literary …

The Characteristics of Literacy Management in School Literacy Movement (SLM) at Junior High School in Malang-Indonesia

Y Pantiwati, FH Permana, T Kusniarti… - Asian Social …, 2020 -
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the school literacy movement (SLM)
program in junior high schools in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The evaluation includes …

Penguatan Habitus Literasi: Sebuah Cara Pendampingan Tim Literasi Sekolah (TLS)

D Setyawan, RI Gusdian - E-DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian …, 2020 -
Abstract Program Gerakan Literasi Sekoalah (GLS) di SDN 1 Sumbersari Kota Malang
sudah dilaksanakan. Akan tetapi, selain belum maksimal, belum ada yang mengelola …

Pengaruh gerakan literasi dalam meningkatkan minat baca siswa

I Sutrisna, S Sriwulan… - … Bahasa dan Sastra …, 2019 -
Di Indonesia minat membaca pada semua kalangan masih kurang, terutama pelajar dan
mahasiswa yang biasa bergelut dalam dunia pendidikan. Disebabkan karena masyarakat …

Challenges and Expectations towards Information Literacy Skills: Voices from Teachers' Training of Scientific Writing

H Subekti, H Susilo, H Suwono… - International Journal of …, 2019 -
This research was aiming at analyzing information literacy skills (ILS) among teachers, the
challenges of mastering ILS, and the expected ILS training. The study involved 58 …

Reader's response and learning writing psychological perspective

A Ahmadi, NR Hariyati - Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2019 -
This study aims to describe the reader's response to learning writing psychological
perspective. This research is based on experience in the field which shows that the readers' …

Gerakan literasi masyarakat berbasis media sosial

RC Johan, E Emilia, AA Syahid… - Berkala ilmu …, 2020 -
ABSTRACT Hasil dan Pembahasan. Masyarakat pendidikan keagamaan mengakses bahan
bacaan lebih dominan gunakan bahan tercetak, deskripsi tugas membaca dan komunikasi …