The accuracy of cell‐free fetal DNA‐based non‐invasive prenatal testing in singleton pregnancies: a systematic review and bivariate meta‐analysis

FL Mackie, K Hemming, S Allen… - … Journal of Obstetrics …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Background Cell‐free fetal DNA (cff DNA) non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is rapidly
expanding, and is being introduced at varying rates depending on country and condition …

Noninvasive fetal sex determination using cell-free fetal DNA: a systematic review and meta-analysis

SA Devaney, GE Palomaki, JA Scott, DW Bianchi - Jama, 2011 -
Context Noninvasive prenatal determination of fetal sex using cell-free fetal DNA provides
an alternative to invasive techniques for some heritable disorders. In some countries this …

Non-invasive prenatal paternity testing from maternal blood

J Wagner, S Džijan, D Marjanović, G Lauc - International journal of legal …, 2009 - Springer
Prenatal paternity analysis can be performed only after invasive sampling of chorionic villi or
amnionic fluid. Aiming to enable noninvasive paternity testing, we attempted to amplify fetal …

Non-invasive prenatal diagnostic test accuracy for fetal sex using cell-free DNA a review and meta-analysis

CF Wright, Y Wei, JPT Higgins, GS Sagoo - BMC research notes, 2012 - Springer
Background Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) can be detected in maternal blood during
pregnancy, opening the possibility of early non-invasive prenatal diagnosis for a variety of …

Optimization of transrenal DNA analysis: detection of fetal DNA in maternal urine

EM Shekhtman, K Anne, HS Melkonyan… - Clinical …, 2009 -
Background: Fragments of DNA from cells dying throughout the body are detectable in urine
(transrenal DNA, or Tr-DNA). Our goal was the optimization of Tr-DNA isolation and …

Non-invasive prenatal paternity testing using cell-free fetal DNA from maternal plasma: DNA isolation and genetic marker studies

S Zhang, S Han, M Zhang, Y Wang - Legal Medicine, 2018 - Elsevier
Invasive prenatal paternity tests can result in miscarriage and congenital malformations;
therefore, a non-invasive method of testing is preferable. However, little progress could be …

[PDF][PDF] Advances in the research of fetal DNA in maternal plasma for noninvasive prenatal diagnostics

B Vlkova, T Szemes, G Minarik, J Turna, P Celec - Med Sci Monit, 2010 -
Molecular analysis of fetal DNA present in the maternal circulation allows noninvasive, early,
and precise determination of fetal genetic status in prenatal diagnostics. The most common …

Development of genetics in the world and in Croatia–forty years of the Croatian Society of Human Genetics of the Croatian Medical Association

L Zergollern Čupak, I Barišić… - Collegium …, 2014 -
Sažetak Resulting from several basic scientific disciplines, genetics has made impressive
progress in the last century by discoveries of the heredity rules and genome structure, and …

[PDF][PDF] 母体血浆中胎儿游离DNA 的研究现状及进展

邹昕, 杜娟, 卢光琇 - 中国当代儿科杂志, 2009 -
%% 据统计, 我国每年约有!"" 万缺陷儿出生, 不但影响了人口素质, 也给社会和家庭带来了沉重
的经济和精神负担. 进行产前筛查和诊断是减少和避免出生缺陷的有效干预手段 …

Estudi de les tècniques de diagnòstic prenatal a partir de l'àcid desoxiribonucleic lliure a la sang materna i avaluació de la seva implantació al sistema sanitari …

I León Ortiz - 2020 -
Introducció: Des del seu descobriment l'any 2011, les proves de detecció amb ADN lliure
per alteracions fetals genètiques han sigut una molt bona alternativa als mètodes …