Modification of PVDF membrane for harvesting of Nannochloropsis sp. and its cleaning results

TQ Romadiansyah, BTI Ali, WC Lestari… - Materials Research …, 2023 -
One of the biggest challenges in implementing microalgae-based biofuels is the effective
harvesting process. Filtration membrane has become one of the flexible methods in …

A Strengthening Strengthening Microalgae Biodiesel Production Capacity Based on Strain Selection for Chaetoceros amini, Nannochloropsis oculata and Nitzschia …

S Suripto, L Japa - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2024 -
Increasing microalgae biodiesel production through improvement of biomass production is
reversible and is often considered economically unprofitable. This research aims to …

Pengaruh Cekaman Nitrogen dan Fotoperiode terhadap Kurva pertumbuhan Kultur Nannochloropsis sp.

S Dwirejeki, D Ermavitalini - Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS, 2019 -
Konsumsi energi meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dan 95% terpenuhi dari bahan fosil yang
jumlahnya terbatas. Biodiesel sebagai alternatif sumber energi dari tanaman jarak (Jatropha …

[PDF][PDF] Kepadatan, Diameter, Laju Pertumbuhan, Klorofil A dan Lipid Chlorella Vulgaris Pada Fermentasi Tauge Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus radiatus)

LA Sari, TS Aurelia, DJ Chrisrendra… - Jurnal Perikanan …, 2024 -
Chlorella culture requires large quantities of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, for
growth and development. One way to increase nutrients in microalgae culture is by …

The Increase in β-carotene Content in Dunaliella salina from the Application of Different Light Intensities

N Sugiati, ED Masithah, W Tjahjaningsih… - … Series: Earth and …, 2019 -
Dunaliella salina is an example of a natural source of β-carotene and it is made up of larger
cells than others in the genus Dunaliella. It is therefore able to produce more β-carotene …

Kandungan Lipid Total pada Fitoplankton Laut yang Dikultur pada Media yang Berbeda

L Melati - 2024 -
Fitoplankton adalah organisme mikroskopis yang hidup mengapung pada kolom air.
Fitoplankton memiliki banyak peran serta manfaat, mulai dari peran ekologi hingga peran …

Kultivasi Mikroalga Chlorella sp. Secara Fed-Batch Menggunakan Limbah Cair Tahu Untuk Produksi Lipid

SR Muria, FM Shiddiq, I Damayanti… - Journal of the …, 2023 -
Microalga is single cell organism that can live by photosynthesize resulting biomass and
other secondary product such as protein, carbohydrate, and fat by utilizing nutrients under …

[PDF][PDF] Microalgae culture training as an effort to improve natural feed quality for shrimp seed cultivation of Benur Barokah Group

S Arsad, M Musa, ED Lusiana, M Mahmudi… - Abdimas: Jurnal …, 2022 -
Flooding can be defined as the submergence of a place because a high overflow of water
exceeds The Community Partnership Program (PKM) aims to conduct training on …


Energy demand in Indonesia, especially fuel oil (BBM) is still very high compared to other
energy consumption. The government strives for new renewable energy to be more …

The Combination Effect of Bean Sprouts Extract Concentration with Coconut Water on the Growth of the Density of Chlorella sp

DO Pratama, S Syafriadiman… - Jurnal Perikanan dan … -
Chlorella sp is a kind of phytoplankton used as a natural food source for zooplankton, such
as fish larvae and shrimp. Chlorella sp contains various nutrients that are good for the …