The basin of the small river studied here (the Vezelka River, Belgorod Oblast of European Russia) is located within an urban area (22% of the basin). This circumstance determines its …
NV Dudiak, VI Pichura, LA Potravka… - Journal of Ecological …, 2019 -
Spatial raster distribution models of the values of factors influencing the potential soil erosion hazard were created using GIS technologies. The erosion hazard was estimated …
An analysis made of the worldwide existing geoinformation systems (HydroSHEDS, CCM, Ecrins, WBD, etc.) suggests that there are as yet no models of adequate quality for the basin …
V Pichura, L Potravka, S Skok… - Indian Journal of …, 2020 -
Under conditions of uncontrolled increase of anthropogenic impact in use of water resources and intensity of contamination, it becomes necessary to develop and comply with water …
Among the reasons for soil degradation, runoff-induced erosion causes the greatest damage to agriculture in European Russia. One of the effective tools for regulating soil erosion is …
V Pichura, L Potravka, Y Domaratskiy… - Journal of Ecological …, 2023 -
Spatio-temporal assessment of the sustainability of agricultural landscapes over a long period (1892–2020–130 years) was carried out on the basis of archival spatial data for the …
NV Dudiak, VI Pichura, LA Potravka… - Journal of Ecological …, 2020 -
The decrease in the agricultural efficiency is associated with the influence of wind erosion, the consequence of which is a decrease in the soil fertility. Significant effects of wind erosion …
The most promising is a practical evidence-based implementation of basin principle of nature, which involves the use of an integrated approach to land-and water conservation …
Although surface water is the most accessible type of water resource for industrial and agricultural use, it is the most vulnerable to depletion in quantity and quality. As an arena for …