Why are Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans seeking PTSD disability compensation at unprecedented rates?

RJ McNally, BC Frueh - Journal of anxiety disorders, 2013 - Elsevier
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have produced historically low rates of fatalities, injuries,
and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among US combatants. Yet they have also …

Modeling gene‐environment interactions with quasi‐natural experiments

L Schmitz, D Conley - Journal of personality, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This overview develops new empirical models that can effectively document Gene×
Environment (G× E) interactions in observational data. Current G× E studies are often …

The psychological costs of war: Military combat and mental health

R Cesur, JJ Sabia, E Tekin - Journal of Health Economics, 2013 - Elsevier
We exploit plausibly exogenous variation in overseas deployment assignment to estimate
the effect of combat exposure on psychological well-being. Controlling for pre-deployment …

Schooling and the Vietnam-era GI Bill: Evidence from the draft lottery

JD Angrist, SH Chen - American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2011 - aeaweb.org
Draft-lottery estimates of the causal effects of Vietnam-era military service using 2000
census data show marked schooling gains for veterans. We argue that these gains can be …

逻辑, 想象和诠释: 工具变量在社会科学因果推断中的应用

陈云松 - 群学荟萃Ⅱ: 陆学艺社会学发展基金会“社会学优秀成果奖 …, 2016 - books.google.com
工具变量(instrumental variable) 是社会科学定量分析中解决内生性问题的重要手段,
是基于调查数据进行因果推断的前沿方法. 本文在简要介绍工具变量的定义 …

The effect of college education on mortality

K Buckles, A Hagemann, O Malamud, M Morrill… - Journal of Health …, 2016 - Elsevier
We exploit exogenous variation in years of completed college induced by draft-avoidance
behavior during the Vietnam War to examine the impact of college on adult mortality. Our …

The impact of disability benefits on labor supply: Evidence from the VA's disability compensation program

DH Autor, M Duggan, K Greenberg… - … Economic Journal: Applied …, 2016 - aeaweb.org
Combining administrative data from the US Army, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Social
Security Administration, we analyze the effect of the VA's Disability Compensation (DC) …

[图书][B] Drug Dealer, MD: How doctors were duped, patients got hooked, and why it's so hard to stop

A Lembke - 2016 - books.google.com
The disturbing connection between well-meaning physicians and the prescription drug
epidemic. Three out of four people addicted to heroin probably started on a prescription …

Long-term consequences of Vietnam-era conscription: New estimates using social security data

JD Angrist, SH Chen, J Song - American Economic Review, 2011 - aeaweb.org
We use the draft lottery to construct instrumental variables (IV) estimates of the impact of
Vietnam-era military service on veterans' Social Security (SSA) earnings through 2007. We …

When war comes home: The effect of combat service on domestic violence

R Cesur, JJ Sabia - Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016 - direct.mit.edu
This study is the first to estimate the effect of war service in the Global War on Terrorism on
domestic violence. We exploit a natural experiment in overseas deployment assignment …