After 1989, the Polish legal elites have embraced a transformation discourse, presenting modern Polish legal history as a circular journey from Europe to the dystopia of …
M Siems - Law & Social Inquiry, 2023 -
Recent years have seen a growing literature on citations between courts from different countries. What explains why such cross-citations occur between some courts but not …
Citizenship was the most important mark of political belonging in Europe in the twentieth century, while estate, religion, party, class, and nation lost political significance in the century …
E Loefflad - German Law Journal, 2023 -
In recent years, scholars of international legal history have demonstrated much newfound interest in CH Alexandrowicz, a Polish jurist renowned for his anti-Eurocentric revisionist …
В монографии рассматриваются основные методологические проблемы современной юриспруденции. Основной целью автора стала их теоретическая концептуализация в …
R Mańko - Zeszyty Prawnicze, 2016 -
Głębokie przemiany ustrojowe, jakie nastąpiły w Polsce na przełomie lat 80. i 90 XX w. nie doprowadziły do całkowitego zerwania z przedtransformacyjnym porządkiem prawnym …
FL de Bérier - Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, 2017 -
Does religion represent a threat to public life and freedom of individuals or perhaps an opportunity for integral development that stems from care for the state as the common good …
T Giaro - Rechtsgeschichte-Legal History, 2013 -
Preliminary remarks. According to recent studies in law and economics,» legal origins «, and in particular the influence of Roman law or the absence thereof, explain the difference …