[图书][B] Banking on Basel: the future of international financial regulation

DK Tarullo - 2008 - books.google.com
Daniel K. Tarullo is a professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center. He has taught
at Harvard Law School (2005) and Princeton University (2004). He held several senior …

Do depositors discipline banks and did government actions during the recent crisis reduce this discipline? An international perspective

AN Berger, R Turk-Ariss - Journal of Financial Services Research, 2015 - Springer
The recent financial crisis highlights the importance of both regulatory and market discipline.
Government reactions to the crisis included expanding deposit insurance coverage and …

The new financial industry

TCW Lin - Ala. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Machines are taking over Wall Street.'Artificial intelligence, mathematical models, and
supercomputers have replaced human 2 intelligence, human deliberation, and human …

Bank loan loss accounting and its contracting effects: the new expected loss models

B Giner, A Mora - Accounting and Debt Markets, 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
As a result of the recent financial crisis, several key institutions urged the LASB and the
FASB to re-evaluate their models for loan loss accounting and use more forward-looking …

[图书][B] Standardy kapitałowe banków. Bazylejska Nowa Umowa Kapitałowa w polskich regulacjach nadzorczych

M Marcinkowska - 2009 - books.google.com
Odkąd istnieją banki, wciąż aktualne jest pytanie o ich bezpieczeństwo. Pytanie o tyle
istotne, że kwintesencją działalności banków jest ponoszenie ryzyka, io tyle zasadne, że …

Understanding the failures of market discipline

D Min - Wash. UL Rev., 2014 - HeinOnline
The theory of market discipline, which generally asserts that selfinterested creditors can
provide substantial assistance in reining in the risk-taking of banks, has been a foundational …

Bail-ins and market discipline: Evidence from China

S Li, D Gong, L Lu - International Review of Economics & Finance, 2024 - Elsevier
We examine the effect of bail-in event on the market discipline for Chinese banks, exploiting
the bankruptcy of Baoshang Bank and subsequent write-down as a quasi-natural …

Funding advantage and market discipline in the Canadian banking sector

M Beyhaghi, C D'Souza, GS Roberts - Journal of Banking & Finance, 2014 - Elsevier
We employ a comprehensive data set and a variety of methods to provide evidence on the
magnitude of large banks' funding advantage in Canada in addition to the extent to which …

The disciplinary effect of subordinated debt on bank risk taking

T Nguyen - Journal of empirical finance, 2013 - Elsevier
Using data for publicly listed commercial banks and bank holding companies around the
world, I investigate the disciplinary effect of subordinated debt on bank risk taking in the …

Do banks issue equity when they are poorly capitalized?

V Dinger, F Vallascas - Journal of Financial and Quantitative …, 2016 - cambridge.org
Debt overhang and moral hazard predict that poorly capitalized banks have a lower
likelihood to issue equity, while the presence of regulatory and market pressures posits an …