Patents, including pharmaceutical patents, enjoy extended protection for twenty years under the TRIPs Agreement. The Agreement has resulted in creating a two-tier system of the World …
In no domain of global health has there been more talk of rights than in HIV/AIDS, yet little is known about how the right to HIV/AIDS care is mobilized at the clinic level. Drawing on …
In this paper, we explore the strategies utilized by civil society organizations to improve access to medicines during the HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 health crises. In particular, we seek …
Although new HIV/AIDS infections and HIV/AIDS-related morbidity and premature mortality show a declining trend globally, HIV/AIDS has continued to be a major setback to socio …
E Halle - Asia Pacific J. Health L. & Ethics, 2017 - HeinOnline
Access to health is a right under international human rights law. Since access to essential medicine is a core component of health, access to essential medicine should therefore be …
Abstract In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but due to its newness at the global stage, how the …
Background: Currently, South Africa experiences a high turnover of midwives. Midwives leave the South African public health facilities mainly due to reduced staff levels as there are …
US Exports - Historical Dictionary of Uganda -
Uganda has been the focus of intense study in multiple disciplines. The best way to search for materials and publications about Uganda is to use common directories that are available …
" Globally, millions of people suffer health and socio-economic related problems due to the unavailability of controlled essential medicines, such as morphine for pain treatment, which …