T Ruberg - Sprache· Stimme· Gehör, 2013 - thieme-connect.com
Der Beitrag thematisiert sprachliche Bereiche, deren Erwerb in verschiedenen Konstellationen des mehrsprachigen Erwerbs im Vergleich zum Erstspracherwerb langsam …
K Długosz - Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, 2018 - bibliotekanauki.pl
This paper investigates the phenomenon of language transfer at the initial state of third language acquisition by adult Polish learners of English (L2) and German (L3). First, the …
The main aim of the paper is to contribute to finding answers to following questions: Does the notion of sensitive phase apply to the language acquisition in all contexts to the same …
A Sopata - Lingwistyka Stosowana, 2013 - bazhum.muzhp.pl
The article discusses the role of the age of onset of language acquisition in the early multilingualism. The differences between first language acquisition and adult second …
L van Wijgerden - Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia, 2022 - ceeol.com
Der Beitrag widmet sich der Mehrsprachigkeit von Personen ukrainischer Herkunft, die in Polen Germanistik studieren. Es werden Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie zu Erfahrungen …
A Sopata - Glottodidactica, 2021 - pressto.amu.edu.pl
The goal of this study is to investigate the interplay of discourse and syntax, as it can be observed in the use of null objects, in the language development of a child who starts to …
B Skowronek - Glottodidactica, 2014 - pressto.amu.edu.pl
Glottodidactics as a scientific discipline related to the theory and practice of teaching foreign langueges in Poland. It is originated in Poland, at Adam Mickiewicz University, was created …
M Bielicka - Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY …, 2019 - vr-elibrary.de
The subject of this article is language immersion. The article first explains the main principles of this method and then describes two Polish institutions, a kindergarden and an …