Highlights•Drivers of low-diversity dysbiosis include antibiotics, host genetics, physiology.•Dysbiosis results in shifts in microbial composition and function.•Dysbiosis …
Microbial genomes are available at an ever-increasing pace, as cultivation and sequencing become cheaper and obtaining metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) becomes more …
The gut microbiomes of human populations worldwide have many core microbial species in common. However, within a species, some strains can show remarkable population …
Prevotella copri is a common human gut microbe that has been both positively and negatively associated with host health. In a cross-continent meta-analysis exploiting> 6,500 …
Background Antibiotic resistance is rising in important bacterial pathogens. Phage therapy (PT), the use of bacterial viruses infecting the pathogen in a species-specific way, is a …
In the ocean, organic particles harbour diverse bacterial communities, which collectively digest and recycle essential nutrients. Traits like motility and exo-enzyme production allow …
Ingestion of innocuous antigens, including food proteins, normally results in local and systemic immune nonresponsiveness in a process termed oral tolerance. Oral tolerance to …
Background The resistome, the collection of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in a microbiome, is increasingly recognised as relevant to the development of clinically relevant …
The ecological and evolutionary study of community formation, diversity, and stability is rooted in general theory and reinforced by decades of system-specific empirical work …