Historical linguistics and the comparative study of African languages

GJ Dimmendaal - Historical Linguistics and the Comparative Study of …, 2011 - torrossa.com
Although the comparative method has been applied to a range of African language families,
these have received little coverage in general textbooks. The present monograph was …

Historical linguistics and genealogical language classification in Africa

T Güldemann - The languages and linguistics of Africa, 2018 - degruyter.com
For quite some time, the genealogical classification of African languages has been in a
peculiar situation, one which is linked intricably to Greenberg's (1963a) study. His work is …

[图书][B] The languages and linguistics of Africa

T Güldemann - 2018 - books.google.com
This innovative handbook takes a fresh look at the currently underestimated linguistic
diversity of Africa, the continent with the largest number of languages in the world. It covers …

[PDF][PDF] Diachronie des classes nominales atlantiques: morphophonologie, morphologie, sémantique

K Pozdniakov - Les classes nominales dans les langues atlantiques, 2015 - hal.science
Ce volume est orienté avant tout vers la description synchronique de divers systèmes de
classes nominales atlantiques. Mais en même temps, les données qui y sont publiées …

[PDF][PDF] Reconstructing Benue-Congo person marking I: Proto-Bantoid

KV Babaev - Journal of West African Languages, 2008 - academia.edu
Cet article est la première partie de la recherche complexe comparative des systèmes des
pronoms personels et marques de personne en langues Benue-Congo. L'article a un …

[PDF][PDF] Microvariation in Western Serengeti: Comparative Morphosyntax of Ikoma, Ishenyi, Nata and Ngoreme

AO Laine - 2023 - helda.helsinki.fi
This dissertation provides a comparative morphosyntactic description of the previously
largely undescribed Western Serengeti language varieties (Ikoma, Ishenyi, Nata and …

Les constructions verbales en wolof: Vers une typologie de la prédication, de l'auxiliation et des périphrases

M Guérin - 2016 - theses.hal.science
Le principal objectif de cette étude est de situer les constructions verbales du wolof dans
une perspective typologique. Il s' agit tout d'abord de proposer une description synthétique …

[PDF][PDF] Classifying the non-Eastern-Sudanic Nuba Mountain languages: evidence from pronoun categories and lexicostatistics

R Norton - Nuba mountain language studies: New insights, 2018 - academia.edu
The ten groups of Nuba Mountain ɽanguages recognised since Macɔiarɾid & Macɔiarɾid
(1931) are ɽisted in (1). I foɽɽow the terɾinoɽogy for group naɾes in the ɾost recent …

[图书][B] Нигеро-конголезский праязык: личные местоимения

К Бабаев - 2022 - books.google.com
Книга посвящена сравнительному анализу систем личного маркирования в языках
нигеро-конголезской макросемьи–крупнейшего генетического объединения языков …

[PDF][PDF] Voice and person marking: A typological study

S Auderset - 2015 - sauderset.github.io
This thesis is an attempt at the first cross-linguistic study of the diachronic relationship
between voice and person marking. To my best knowledge, such a study has not been …