Challenges in the design of concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules to achieve highest efficiencies

M Wiesenfarth, I Anton, AW Bett - Applied Physics Reviews, 2018 -
In concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) technology, solar radiation is concentrated on a small
solar cell to reduce semiconductor area by means of an optical collector. Typically, the …

[图书][B] Introduction to nonimaging optics

J Chaves - 2008 -
The world's insatiable consumption of energy must be met with new technologies that offer
alternative, environmentally conscious sources of light and power. The relatively young field …

[PDF][PDF] 太阳能光伏聚光器光学设计类型研究进展

吕家祺, 张宁, 尹鹏, 徐熙平, 张恒溢 - Laser & Optoelectronics …, 2019 -
摘要太阳能聚光器聚焦方法主要有三种, 介绍了不同太阳能聚光器的结构设计和聚光原理,
并对其聚光性能进行了分析. 同时, 对国内外最新研究现状进行了总结和论述. 三种聚光器中 …

Optimal design of symmetrical two-stage flat reflected concentrator

X Meng, X Xia, C Sun, G Dai - Solar Energy, 2013 - Elsevier
The optimal design of a symmetrical two-stage flat reflected concentrator (STFC) was
investigated. It is composed of two symmetrical off-axis concentrators and inclined flat …

High-performance Köhler concentrators with uniform irradiance on solar cell

M Hernández, A Cvetkovic, P Benítez… - … Optics and Efficient …, 2008 -
A new free-form XR Kohler concentrator is presented that combines high geometric
concentration, high acceptance angle and high irradiance uniformity on the solar cell. This is …

Design and analysis of a curved cylindrical Fresnel lens that produces high irradiance uniformity on the solar cell

JC González - Applied optics, 2009 -
A new type of convex Fresnel lens for linear photovoltaic concentration systems is
presented. The lens designed with this method reaches 100% of geometrical optical …

Köhler concentrator

P Benítez, JC Miñano, P Zamora, M Hernandez… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
One example of a solar voltaic concentrator has a primary Fresnel lens with multiple panels,
each of which forms a Köhler integrator with a respective panel of a lenticular secondary …

Design and fabrication of freeform glass concentrating mirrors using a high volume thermal slumping process

Y Chen, YY Allen - Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2011 - Elsevier
Concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) power is a form of clean and renewable energy.
However, the cost of harvesting solar energy is still economically prohibitive as compared to …

A vector based freeform approach for reflecting concentrator of solar energy

XL Meng, XL Xia, GL Dai, BG Lougou, SL Wu - Solar energy, 2017 - Elsevier
A vector based freeform approach is proposed for the geometrical reverse design of
reflecting solar concentrators. The effect of solar cone angle of incident vectors is taken into …

Köhler integrators embedded into illumination optics add functionality

O Dross, R Mohedano, M Hernández… - Illumination …, 2008 -
The Köhler illumination concept was originally invented to achieve uniform illumination in
microscopy 1. Köhler integrators can also be formed by arrays of lenticulations that can be …