The paper investigates the trade-off between innovation and defense industrial policy. It presents an agent-based simulation model calibrated for the Norwegian defense industry …
Spillovers from defence-industrial developments have strongly influenced civilian technologies. Despite the international academic and political interest in defence–civilian …
1.1 BACKGROUND In the period from the end of the Cold War to the end of the 1990s, several European countries have experienced a substantial decrease in their military budget …
The paper carries out an empirical analysis of the factors explaining the export performance of firms in the defence sector. We focus on the case of Norway, and make use of two …
Denne rapporten sammenfatter de viktigste rutiner og kilder ved FFI i forbindelse med innsamling og lagring av data om forsvarsindustrien i Norge. Opplysningene er lagret og …
In modern society, with the rising focus on change and rapid development, the ability to innovate has become crucial. With limited time and internal resources available, companies …
Med denne oppgaven har jeg søkt å gi innsikt i hvordan globaliseringen av forsvarsindustrien har preget norsk forsvarsindustri. Gjennom en casestudie undersøkes …
The paper investigates the trade-off between innovation and defence industrial policy. It presents an agent-based simulation model calibrated for the Norwegian defence industry …