Yield stress materials in soft condensed matter

D Bonn, MM Denn, L Berthier, T Divoux… - Reviews of Modern …, 2017 - APS
A comprehensive review is presented of the physical behavior of yield stress materials in
soft condensed matter, which encompasses a broad range of materials from colloidal …

The physics of the colloidal glass transition

GL Hunter, ER Weeks - Reports on progress in physics, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
As one increases the concentration of a colloidal suspension, the system exhibits a dramatic
increase in viscosity. Beyond a certain concentration, the system is said to be a colloidal …

[图书][B] Complex plasmas and colloidal dispersions: particle-resolved studies of classical liquids and solids

A Ivlev, G Morfill, H Lowen, CP Royall - 2012 - books.google.com
Many fundamental issues in classical condensed matter physics can be addressed
experimentally using systems of individually visible mesoscopic particles playing the role of …

[图书][B] Handbook of sol-gel science and technology. 1. Sol-gel processing

S Sakka - 2005 - books.google.com
Since Dr. Disiich of Germany prepared a glass lens by the sol-gel method around 1970, sol-
gel science and technology has continued to develop. Since then this field has seen …

Tunable rheology of dense soft deformable colloids

D Vlassopoulos, M Cloitre - Current opinion in colloid & interface science, 2014 - Elsevier
In the last two decades, advances in synthetic, experimental and modeling/simulation
methodologies have considerably enhanced our understanding of colloidal suspension …

Two step yielding in attractive colloids: transition from gels to attractive glasses

N Koumakis, G Petekidis - Soft Matter, 2011 - pubs.rsc.org
Steady and oscillatory rheology was utilized to study the mechanical response of colloidal
glasses and gels with particular emphasis in their yielding behaviour. We used a …

Designing and transforming yield-stress fluids

AZ Nelson, KS Schweizer, BM Rauzan… - Current Opinion in Solid …, 2019 - Elsevier
We review progress in designing and transforming multi-functional yield-stress fluids and
give a perspective on the current state of knowledge that supports each step in the design …

Yielding behavior of repulsion-and attraction-dominated colloidal glasses

KN Pham, G Petekidis, D Vlassopoulos… - Journal of …, 2008 - pubs.aip.org
We report a number of experiments, mainly rheological measurements, examining the
yielding behavior of colloidal glasses with hard-sphere interaction plus a short-range …

Quantum limits in interferometric measurements

MT Jaekel, S Reynaud - Europhysics Letters, 1990 - iopscience.iop.org
Quantum noise limits the sensitivity of interferometric measurements. It is generally admitted
that it leads to an ultimate sensitivity, the" standard quantum limit". Using a semi-classical …

The glass and jamming transitions of soft polyelectrolyte microgel suspensions

C Pellet, M Cloitre - Soft matter, 2016 - pubs.rsc.org
We explore the influence of particle softness on the state diagram of well characterized
polyelectrolyte microgel suspensions using dynamic light scattering and rheology. Upon …