This paper focuses on the issue of quality management in higher education, which is rethought and solved in the special context of migration in Russia and other countries of the …
D Modise, P Rambe - Journal of Contemporary Management, 2024 -
Background: Given the high unemployment levels and weak job-creation capacity of emerging economies, student technological literacy and self-efficacy are hailed as effective …
Background Despite research on large urban areas in the context of COVID-19, evidence on how these settings impact migrants is still limited. Objective To explore exacerbating and …
Undanfarin ár og áratugi hafa opinberar stofnanir á Íslandi unnið að því að innleiða stafræna stjórnsýslu. Jaðarsettir einstaklingar upplifa í flestum tilfellum einhverskonar erfiðleika sem …