The “symmetric mass generation”(SMG) quantum phase transition discovered in recent years has attracted great interest from both condensed matter and high energy theory …
The fermion disorder operator has been shown to reveal the entanglement information in 1D Luttinger liquids and 2D free and interacting Fermi and non-Fermi liquids emerging at …
We discover a quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method to solve the fermion sign problem in interacting fermion models by employing a Majorana representation of complex fermions …
There is no doubt that the information hidden in entanglement entropy (EE), for example, the n th order Rényi EE, ie, S n A= 1 1− n ln Tr (ρ A n), where ρ A= Tr A¯ ρ is the reduced density …
The entanglement entropy is a unique probe to reveal universal features of strongly interacting many-body systems. In two or more dimensions these features are subtle, and …
Motivated by recent development of the concept of the disorder operator and its relation with entanglement entropy in bosonic systems, here we show the disorder operator successfully …
Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we study a series of models of fermions coupled to quantum Ising spins on a square lattice with N flavors of fermions per site for N= 1, 2, and 3 …
The deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP)--the enigmatic incarnation of the quantum phase transition beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm of symmetries and their …
Exponential observables, formulated as ln〈 e X ̂〉 where X ̂ is an extensive quantity, play a critical role in the study of quantum many-body systems, examples of which include the …