Density-dependent potential for multi-neutron halo nuclei

C Shuang, C Yan-Yun, R Zhong-Zhou - Chinese Physics C, 2009 -
We apply a simple density-dependent potential model to the three-body calculation of the
ground-state structure of drip-line nuclei with a weakly bound core. The hyperspherical …

Color-flavor locked strange quark matter in a mass density-dependent model

YD CHEN, GX PENG, XJ WEN - Chinese Physics C, 2007 -
Properties of color-flavor locked (CFL) strange quark matter have been studied in a mass-
density-dependent model, and compared with the results in the conventional bag model. In …

Effect of σ*, φ Mesons on the Neutron Star Matter at Finite Temperature

XF ZHAO, SJ WANG, H Zhang, HY JIA - Chinese Physics C, 2007 -
Within the RMF approach, considering the contribution of σ*, φ mesons and baryon octet {n,
p, Λ, Σ-, Σ 0, Σ+, Ξ-, Ξ 0}, some properties of neutron star matter have been investigated in …

Study of the (N) Channel Coupling Effect in Quark Model

D Lianrong, S Pengnian, Z Zongye, Y Youwen - Chinese Physics C, 1998 -
The coupling effect of (N) channel on the NN scattering is studied by solving a coupled
channel RGM (Resonating Group Method) equation in the quark-SU (3) chiral model. The …

Study of the Relation Between a Mass and Nuclear Binding Energy in Chiral σ Model

D Dong-Qiao, C Wei, WEN De-Hua… - Chinese …, 2003 -
Study of the relation between a meson's mass ma and nuclear binding energy in chiral a
model is given. The main purpose of this paper is to study the so-called" tachyon pole" …

Method of the analytical continuation of the coupling constant in Schrodinger equations

Z Shi-Sheng, M Jie, GUO Jian-You - Chinese Physics C, 2003 -
Based on Schrdinger equation, the method of analytical continuation in the coupling
constant (ACCC) is employed to investigate the energy and width of single-particle …

The effective DBHF method for finite nuclei

L Liu, LG CAO, ZY MA - Chinese Physics C, 2001 -
A density dependent effective interaction in the relativistic Mean-Field (RMF) theory was
adopted to reproduce the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) results and applied to study …

Nucleon-meson vertex functions and isobar-meson vertex functions from quark potential model

YW YU, ZY ZHANG - Chinese Physics C, 1985 -
The matrix elements of the nucleon-meson vertices and isobar-meson vertices due to one
gluon exchange transition potential are calculated by using the generator coordinate …

Quark mean field model for finite nuclei and hypernuclei

H Shen - Chinese Physics C, 2004 -
The quark mean field model, which describes the baryon using the constituent quark model,
is applied to study the properties of finite nuclei and hypernuclei. The meson mean fields …

In-medium QMC model parameters and quark condensation in nuclear matter

G Hua - Chinese Physics C, 1999 -
We proposed a new method to determine the in-medium QMC parameters consistently. Our
resultS illustrate that the bag constant and the nucleon radius are greatly influenced by the …