M Glikson, JC Nielsen, MB Kronborg, Y Michowitz… - EP …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
for digital applications (smartphones, etc.). These versions are abridged and thus, for more detailed information, the user should always access to the full text version of the guidelines …
TA McDonagh, M Metra, M Adamo… - European heart …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
The aim of this ESC Guideline is to help health professionals manage people with heart failure (HF) according to the best available evidence. Fortunately, we now have a wealth of …
A Nogami, T Kurita, H Abe, K Ando, T Ishikawa… - Circulation …, 2021 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Pacemaker treatment for bradyarrhythmia was first approved for national health insurance coverage in Japan in 1974, and its use rapidly became widespread thereafter …
FM Kusumoto, MH Schoenfeld, C Barrett… - Journal of the American …, 2019 - jacc.org
The recommendations listed in this guideline are, whenever possible, evidence based. An initial extensive evidence review, which included literature derived from research involving …
1–«МНОЦ МГУ им. МВ Ломоносова», 119192, Москва, Ломоносовский пр-кт, д. 27, корп. 10 2–ФГБОУ ВО «ПИМУ» МЗ РФ, 603950, Нижний Новгород, пл. Минина и Пожарского …
M Abdelrahman, FA Subzposh, D Beer, B Durr… - Journal of the American …, 2018 - jacc.org
Background: Right ventricular pacing (RVP) is associated with heart failure and increased mortality. His bundle pacing (HBP) is a physiological alternative to RVP. Objectives: This …
P Vijayaraman, FA Subzposh, A Naperkowski… - Heart rhythm, 2019 - Elsevier
Background His bundle pacing (HBP) is the most physiologic form of pacing but associated with higher thresholds and lower success in patients with His-Purkinje conduction disease …
FM Kusumoto, MH Schoenfeld, C Barrett… - Journal of the American …, 2019 - jacc.org
The recommendations listed in this guideline are, whenever possible, evidence based. An initial extensive evidence review, which included literature derived from research involving …