Gaining information of species, temperature, and velocity distributions in turbulent combustion and high-speed reactive flows is challenging, particularly for conducting …
Imaging through optically dense sprays is challenging due to the detection of multiple light scattering, which blurs the recorded images and limits visibility. Structured laser illumination …
There is a wealth of existing experimental data of flames collected using laser diagnostics. The primary objective of this review is to provide context and guidance in interpreting these …
In imaging, the detection of light originating from multiple scattering, indirect reflections and surrounding backgrounds are known to produce errors especially in intensity-ratio based …
Abstract Conducting CH 2 O PLIF imaging in scramjets is challenging due to strong flame emissions (FEs). The FE interference is comparable to the CH 2 O fluorescence in the …
Abstract Three-dimensional (3D) imaging of dynamic objects that rapidly undergoes structural changes, such as turbulent combusting flows, has been a long-standing …
We assessed approaches to i) detecting formaldehyde (CH 2 O) via planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) in atmospheric-pressure premixed flames, including those with pre …
Schlieren photography is widely used for visualizing phenomena within transparent media. The technique, which comes in a variety of configurations, is based on detecting or …
Successful implementation of plasma-assisted combustion in applied thermal processes heavily relies on how the plasma can be formed as it interacts with the reactive flow and …