Traditional cultivation terraces are one of the most ancient and conspicuous agricultural landscapes in mountain and hilly regions of the Mediterranean basin. Spreading out from …
In recent years, much research have dealt with the impact of human and climate change on the morpho‐evolution of Mediterranean catchments characterized by high ecological and …
The cultivation of steep slopes is a widespread practice in hilly and mountainous areas around the world. Such environments often result in particular agricultural systems linked …
JMG Ruiz, T Lasanta - Pirineos, 2018 -
Los paisajes culturales se han construido a lo largo de siglos o milenios como consecuencia de la adaptación de diferentes culturas a la heterogeneidad de los sistemas …
Soil degradation is currently one of the major worldwide environmental problems, being land abandonment one of its main causes. In the last decades an important number of …
[EN] Vegetation expansion following farmland abandonment is a complex process that depends on multiple natural and human-induced factors, resulting in differences in the …
Abandoned lands occupy extensive territories in some Spanish regions, particularly in mountain areas and semiarid environments. These lands originate very diverse landscapes …
Over the last century, P. oceanica meadows have undergone significant regression along Mediterranean coasts due to anthropogenic disturbances. Using an integrated approach …
The abandonment of rural activities in the Mediterranean mid-mountains has led to the activation of revegetation processes, as well as the subsequent implementation of various …