The Pontine Marshes (Central Italy) are known for their long drainage history starting early in Roman times and culminating in their reclamation (bonifica integrale) by the Fascist's regime …
Research on contemporary Mediterranean wetlands is mostly dominated by natural sciences, land economy, tourism geography, and environmental policy (eg Papayannis and …
R Biasillo - Journal for the History of Environment and Society, 2022 -
This article combines environmental and political history approaches, and explores the relationship between the environment and the political with regard to regime-building …
The article analyses the historiographical debate that has occurred in recent decades on the Pontine region, starting with Roberta Biasillo's recent volume Una storia ambientale delle …
In this article I conduct the reader along a journey that follows different waterways within the Venetian lagoon and provides insights into the water-land interactions of this unique …
Abstract La bonifica delle Paludi Pontine costituisce uno degli eventi più rilevanti della storia contemporanea italiana. Il processo inizia allo scadere del XIX secolo, la fase conclusiva si …