An inquiry into the formation of readership in early China: using and producing the* Yong yue 用曰and Yinshu 引書manuscripts

R Krijgsman - T'oung Pao, 2018 -
The material features of the Shanghai Museum* Yong yue 用曰and Zhangjiashan Yinshu
引書manuscripts structure their texts in ways different from each other, inviting questions on …

The Author's Two Bodies: The Death of Qu Yuan and the Birth of Chuci zhangju 楚辭章句

H Du - T'oung Pao, 2019 -
提要近年的早期中國文本研究倾向于規避“作者” 一詞. 通过提出一個具有通用性的作者概念框架,
本文试图辯護這一術語的有效性. 以屈原為研究個案, 我表明: 作者形象的建構常可以將開放且處 …

The Author's Two Bodies: The Death of Qu Yuan and the Birth of Chuci zhangju 楚辭章句

H Du - Qu Yuan and the Chuci, 2023 -
Was Qu Yuan 屈原(trad. 343–278 BCE) a historical individual? If not, how did he
nevertheless become the ancestral author of one of China's oldest poetic forms? The …