We show that 2D-decorated silicon nanowires exhibit a strong frequency dependence of the real (Kerr) and imaginary (two-photon absorption) nonlinear coefficients. In this setting, we …
We study supercontinuum (SC) generation in graphene-covered nanowires based on a generic model that correctly accounts for the evolution of the photon number under Kerr and …
We have recently introduced a new modeling equation for the propagation of pulses in optical waveguides, the photon-conserving Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (pcNLSE) …
This work deals with theoretical aspects of pulse propagation. The core focus is on extreme, few-cycle pulses in optical fibers, pulses that are strongly affected by both dispersion and …
The formation of dispersive waves and radiation trapping are two most relevant phenomena in supercontinuum generation. In spite the fact that the nonlinear coefficient of many …
We revisit the complex interplay between the Raman-induced frequency shift (RIFS) and the effect of self-steepening (SS) in the propagation of solitons, and in the framework of an …
En las ultimas décadas el campo de la óptica no lineal suscitó un marcado interés, tanto en la comunidad científica como en la industria, debido a las ventajas que presentan los …
We study supercontinuum (SC) generation in graphene-covered nanowires based on a generic model that correctly accounts for the evolution of the photon number under Kerr and …