The stay of animals on the territory polluted by radionuclides, feeding with forages of local origin exposes their organism to constant external and internal irradiation. In this regard, an …
A literature survey concerning application of lectin histochemistry methods for investigating the effect of hypo-and hyperthyroidism on the organ systems. It was established that …
Реферат Огляд літератури присвячено дослідженню впливу гіпота гіпертирозу на орґанізм з використання методів лектинової гістохімії. Встановлено, що перерозподіл …
S KhI, Y AM - Morphologia, 2012 -
With the use of sialo-specific lectins WGA and SNA, to investigate the role of sialoglycans in differentiation of structural components of skin derivatives in the offspring of control and …