The strict procedural rules that characterize modern administrative law are said to be necessary to sustain the fragile legitimacy of a powerful and constitutionally suspect …
A perennial challenge for the administrative state is to answer the" democracy question": how can the bureaucracy be squared with the idea of self-government of, by, and for a …
A Bernstein, C Rodríguez - YALE LJ, 2023 - HeinOnline
Common wisdom has it that bureaucrats are unaccountable to the people they regulate and must therefore be closely supervised by elected officials or (perhaps ironically) the federal …
Like police officers patrolling the streets for crime, the front lines for most large business regulators—Environmental Protection Agency engineers, Consumer Financial Protection …
At the center of contemporary debates over public law lies administrative agencies' discretion to impose rules. Yet for every one of these rules, there are also unrules nearby …
M Sant'Ambrogio, G Staszewski - Wash. UL Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
Agencies make many of their most important decisions in rulemaking well before the publication of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR), when they set their regulatory …
AI Ruder, ND Woods - Journal of Public Administration …, 2020 -
We examine the relationship between procedural fairness and the legitimacy of rulemaking decisions made by government agencies. Evidence from a survey experiment indicates that …
DE Adelman, RL Glicksman - U. Colo. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
Citizen suits are frequently cited as an essential legal innovation by virtue of their capacity to provide a backstop to lax or ideologically antagonistic administrations. Drawing on data from …
The law regulates some of society's most significant relationships through status. Yet social and legal changes can diminish a status's effectiveness and importance. The debates …