The science of quantum information has arisen over the last two decades centered on the manipulation of individual quanta of information, known as quantum bits or qubits. Quantum …
Gaussian states have played an important role in the physics of continuous-variable quantum systems. They are appealing for the experimental ease with which they can be …
We develop a resource theory for continuous-variable systems grounded on operations routinely available within current quantum technologies. In particular, the set of free …
Changing frequencies is one of the most primitive sensations since we are sur-rounded by light of changing color, by sounds of varying pitch, and by many other phenomena whose …
L Cohen - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1989 -
A review and tutorial of the fundamental ideas and methods of joint time-frequency distributions is presented. The objective of the field is to describe how the spectral content of …
A review is given of the quantum phase-space distribution functions with emphasis on both the fundamental characteristics and practical applications of the distribution functions. The …
̂H. In mathematics this kind of trace formula was first known as Poisson formula which gives a relationship between the eigenvalues of the operator d idθ on the circle and the …
This book is intended to provide a much needed systematic exposition of the mathematical methods of quantum optics, something that is not found in existing books. It is primarily …
The numerical prediction, theoretical analysis, and experimental verification of the phenomenon of wave packet revivals in quantum systems has flourished over the last …