This book examines the development of party politics in the region of Western Balkans, describing party politics and analyzing inter-ethnic or inter-party cooperation and …
M Mareš - Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2011 -
This article describes the extreme right in the Czech Republic, where, in contrast to several other countries of Central and Eastern Europe, this part of the political spectrum has been …
M Mareš - Středoevropske politicke studie, 2009 -
This article analyses and compares the different territorial conceptions of the extreme right in Eastern Europe and their political impact, with a view to explaining how important the …
Europarties are regarded as multi-level organizations, like parties operating in federal or devolved states. Examined is whether they can even be treated as political parties sensu …
M Mareš, M Laryš - Europe-Asia Studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article describes and analyses the transnational relations of Russian extreme right entities. It classifies the Russian extreme right into categories according to their ideological …
M ŘÁDEK - University Review (1337-6047), 2016 -
The aim of the article is to analyse the development and programmatic standpoint of the Czech liberal-conservative political stream. We use the concept of Euroscepticism …
J Hrdlicka, L Beniuc - Moldoscopie, 2023 -
Articolul prezintă o caracteristică a mișcării comuniste din Europa după prăbușirea modelului sovietic al socialismului la sfârșitul secolului al XX-lea. Atenția principală este …
Wilders vs. Tomio Okamura. Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit faktory, které vedly k výrazným volebním ziskům u krajně pravicových stran ve dvou zemí–konkrétně v …
Resumé Téma diplomové práce je vzestup pravicových stran v Evropě. Hlavním cílem práce bylo potvrdit nebo vyvrátit hypotézu, ţe podpora krajně pravicových subjektů, jakýmkoliv …