The Iwasawa conjecture for totally real fields

A Wiles - Annals of mathematics, 1990 - JSTOR
Let F be a totally real number field. Let p be a prime number and for any integer n let Fun
denote the group of nth roots of unity. Let 41 be a p-adic valued Artin character for F and let …

[图书][B] Elementary theory of L-functions and Eisenstein series

H Hida - 1993 -
This book is a comprehensive and systematic account of the theory of p-adic and classical
modular forms and the theory of the special values of arithmetic L-functions and p-adic L …

Iwasawa theory—past and present

R Greenberg - Class field theory–its centenary and prospect, 2001 -
Let F be a finite extension of Q. Let p be a prime number. Suppose that F 00 is a Galois
extension of F and that r= Gal (F 00/F) is isomorphic to Zp, the additive group of p-adic …

Hilbert modular forms and the Gross-Stark conjecture

S Dasgupta, H Darmon, R Pollack - Annals of mathematics, 2011 - JSTOR
Let F be a totally real field and χ an abelian totally odd character of F. In 1988, Gross stated a
p-adic analogue of Stark's conjecture that relates the value of the derivative of the p-adic L …

On -adic -functions of over totally real fields

H Hida - Annales de l'institut Fourier, 1991 -
In this paper, we shall generalize the result obtained in our previous paper [H3] for Q to
totally real fields F. Namely we will give a p-adic interpolation of the standard L-function^(s, f …

[HTML][HTML] La conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer p-adique

Si M est un motif défini sur un corps de nombres, on sait lui associer (au moins
conjecturalement) une fonction analytique complexe L (M, s) définie par un produit eulérien …

[图书][B] Transcendental numbers

MR Murty, P Rath - 2014 - Springer
This book grew out of lectures given by the first author at Queen's University during 2006
and lectures by the second author at the Chennai Mathematical Institute during 2008. These …

Minimal rank of universal lattices and number of indecomposable elements in real multiquadratic fields

SH Man - Advances in Mathematics, 2024 - Elsevier
We establish an upper bound on the number of real multiquadratic fields that admit a
universal quadratic lattice of a given rank, or contain a given amount of indecomposable …

Heuristics and conjectures in the direction of a 𝑝-adic Brauer–Siegel Theorem

G Gras - Mathematics of Computation, 2019 -
Let $ p $ be a fixed prime number. Let $ K $ be a totally real number field of discriminant $
D_K $, and let $\mathcal {T} _K $ be the torsion group of the Galois group of the maximal …

Iwasawa theory and Fitting ideals

M Kurihara - 2003 -
By studying the Fitting ideals of the minus parts of the ideal class groups of CM fields, we
give a more precise relationship than the usual main conjecture between the analytic side …