Let X be a finite connected CW-complex. Suppose that its fundamental group π is residually finite, ie there is a nested sequence...⊂ Г m+ 1⊂ Г m⊂...⊂ π of in π normal subgroups of …
There is the general principle to consider a classical invariant of a closed Riemannian manifold M and to define its analog for the universal covering M taking the action of the …
D Kielak - Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 2020 - ams.org
We show that a non-trivial finitely generated residually finite rationally solvable (or RFRS) group $ G $ is virtually fibred, in the sense that it admits a virtual surjection to $\mathbb {Z} …
Associated to any finite flag complex L there is a right-angled Coxeter group WL and a cubical complex Σ L on which WL acts properly and cocompactly. Its two most salient …
RI Grigorchuk, P Linnell, T Schick, A Żuk - Comptes Rendus de l'Académie …, 2000 - Elsevier
On a question of Atiyah Page 1 CR Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 331, Série I, p. 663–668, 2000 Théorie des groupes/Group Theory (Géométrie différentielle/Differential Geometry) On a …
We define for arbitrary modules over a finite von Neumann algebra a dimension taking values in 0, which extends the classical notion of von Neumann dimension for finitely …
AW Reid - Proceedings of the International Congress of …, 2018 - math.rice.edu
It is an old and natural idea to try to distinguish finitely presented groups via their finite quotients, and recently, there has been renewed interest, especially in the light of recent …
This book introduces the reader to the most important concepts and problems in the field of l2-invariants. After some foundational material on group von Neumann algebras, l2-Betti …
W Lück, T Schick - Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA, 1999 - Springer
Suppose ̄M is a compact connected odd-dimensional manifold with boundary, whose interior M comes with a complete hyperbolic metric of finite volume. We will show that the …