Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry for the analysis of acylglycerols in art and archeology

J La Nasa, F Modugno, I Degano - Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Lipid characterization in art and archeology, together with the study of lipid degradation
processes, is an important research area in heritage science. Lipid‐based materials have …

Application of FTIR-PAS and Raman spectroscopies for the determination of organic matter in farmland soils

Z Xing, C Du, K Tian, F Ma, Y Shen, J Zhou - Talanta, 2016 - Elsevier
In soil analysis, Raman spectroscopy is not as widely used as infrared spectroscopy mainly
owing to fluorescence interferences. This paper investigated the feasibility of Fourier …

60 years of street art: A comparative study of the artists' materials through spectroscopic and mass spectrometric approaches

J La Nasa, B Campanella, F Sabatini, A Rava… - Journal of Cultural …, 2021 - Elsevier
Street art murals are an artistic expression strictly interwoven in the urban landscape, and in
recent years have received increasing attention as cultural heritage at risk. Today there is …

Archaeology of the invisible: The scent of Kha and Merit

J La Nasa, I Degano, F Modugno, C Guerrini… - Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
The burial assemblage of Kha and Merit discovered in 1906 and now preserved at the
Museo Egizio in Turin (Italy) constitutes the most abundant, complete, and well-preserved …

Synthetic materials in art: a new comprehensive approach for the characterization of multi-material artworks by analytical pyrolysis

J La Nasa, G Biale, F Sabatini, I Degano… - Heritage Science, 2019 - Springer
Modern art materials introduced since the end of XIX century include a large number of
formulations of synthetic polymers and pigments, whose degradation processes and best …

Identification and differentiation of insect infested rice grains varieties with FTNIR spectroscopy and hierarchical cluster analysis

S Srivastava, G Mishra, HN Mishra - Food chemistry, 2018 - Elsevier
The potential and practicality of FTNIR as a screening tool, with ward's algorithms, was
performed for two different varieties of rice namely,'badshah bhog'and 'swarna', followed by …

A pyrolysis approach for characterizing and assessing degradation of polyurethane foam in cultural heritage objects

J La Nasa, G Biale, B Ferriani, MP Colombini… - Journal of Analytical and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Specific analytical tools are needed to investigate the composition and degradation
processes of the synthetic materials in the cultural heritage, and recent advancements in …

The role of the polymeric network in the water sensitivity of modern oil paints

J La Nasa, J Lee, I Degano, A Burnstock… - Scientific reports, 2019 -
Spectroscopic and mass spectrometric analytical techniques were used to characterise two
naturally aged Winsor & Newton (W&N) Winsor Green (phthalocyanine green, PG7) artists' …

Comics' VOC-abulary: Study of the ageing of comic books in archival bags through VOCs profiling

J La Nasa, M Mattonai, F Modugno, I Degano… - Polymer Degradation …, 2019 - Elsevier
In the last years, the price of several collectible comic books reached the record value of
millions of dollars. Since the value of collectible comic books is strictly related to their state of …

On the use of spectra from portable Raman and ATR-IR instruments in synthesis route attribution of a chemical warfare agent by multivariate modeling

D Wiktelius, L Ahlinder, A Larsson, KH Holmgren… - Talanta, 2018 - Elsevier
Collecting data under field conditions for forensic investigations of chemical warfare agents
calls for the use of portable instruments. In this study, a set of aged, crude preparations of …