This brief text identifies the issues, resources, actors, and institutions involved in public policy making and traces the dynamics of the policymaking process, including the triggering …
The resurgence of state involvement in policymaking in recent years has renewed a long- standing debate about the most effective role for states within a federal system of …
In an effort to provide greater awareness of the necessary policy decisions facing our elected and appointed officials, Energy Policy in the US: Politics, Challenges, and Prospects …
This study investigated the relationship between transformational leadership style of the heads of departments and employee job satisfaction in tertiary institutions in Ghana. The …
This rigorous but very accessible guide to the main concepts and techniques of policy analysis is intended for students and in-service professionals who want to become more …
Kamu Yönetimi disiplinine 1990'lı yıllarla birlikte girmeye başlayan'yönetişim'kavramı, devlet, piyasa ve sivil toplum aktörlerinin ortak müzakereci anlayışla, birlikte yönetme prensibine …
Public policy scholars and public Law scholars often study the same substantive issues and have similar theoretical interests Yet students of the public policy process rarely consider the …
Comparing national efforts to preserve public lands, William R. Lowry investigates how effectively and under what conditions governments can provide goods for future …
S Arsneault - The American Review of Public Administration, 2001 -
This article illustrates the concepts of morality policy and politics by examining the 1996 Title V federal grants for abstinence-only sex education. Drawing from the existing literature on …