Des familles de logiciels similaires proviennent fréquemment de pratiques de réutilisation de clones de logiciels existants, qui sont ensuite enrichis ou dépouillés de fonctionnalités …
Exploratory search allows to progressively discover a dataspace by browsing through a structured collection of documents. Concept lattices are graph structures which support …
Abstract ENGLISH SUMMARY: The rate at which data is being generated is ever-increasing, resulting in an abundance of very large data sets of di erent structures, all requiring …
Semi-structured data sets such as product reviews or event log data are simultaneously becoming more widely used and ever larger. This thesis describes ConceptCloud, a exible …
Résumé Des familles de logiciels similaires émergent fréquemment dans les entreprises, lorsque de nouveaux logiciels sont créés en réutilisant des clones de logiciels existants, qui …
ConceptCloud is a flexible interactive tool for exploring, visualising, and analysing semi- structured data sets. It uses a combination of an intuitive tag cloud visualisation with an …
I start this dissertation in a not-so-formal way, to introduce, and at the same time summarize the content of the next 128 pages. A careful examination of the title page may have given …
We are interested in formal concept analysis, a theoretical framework for data analysis. This formalism allows to express some central notions of data mining such as implications or …