In this note we examine the long-time behavior of state functions for a climate energy balance model (Budyko Model) in the strongest topologies of the phase and the extended …
We study the long time behavior of state functions for a climate energy balance model (so- called Budyko Model). Existence and properties of weak solutions, and existence of …
Qualitative analysis of the solutions behavior for the Budyko–Sellers energy balance climate model, considered on the Riemannian manifold without boundary is carried out. The global …
Проведено якісний аналіз поведінки розв'язків кліматологічної моделі енергетичного балансу Будико–Селлерса, розглянутої на рімановому багатовиді без краю …
In this chapter we establish indirect Lyapunov method for autonomous dynamical systems. Section 9.1 devoted to the first order autonomous differential-operator equations and …
In this paper we establish the artificial control method for nonlinear distributed systems. We investigate the regularity properties of each weak solution for “problem in hands.” As a …