The validity of the Standard Model of particle physics received additional confirmation from the recent discovery of the so-called Higgs boson. The observation concluded a 40 year …
In this thesis the global Standard Model (SM) fit to the electroweak precision observables is revisted with respect to newest experimental results. Various consistency checks are …
El LHC (Large Hadron Collider) es el acelerador de partıculas más potente del planeta, disenado para colisionar protones a 14 TeV de energıa de centro de masa. Este …
The presented thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The subject of the first part is the ATLAS high-level trigger (HLT), in particular the development of the HLT Steering, and the …
For a long time it has been a human endeavor to understand what the universe is made of and why it looks the way it does. Today we know that the matter we find on earth consists of …
El LHC (Large Hadron Collider) es el acelerador de partıculas más potente del planeta, disenado para colisionar protones a 14 TeV de energıa de centro de masa. Este …
El LHC (Large Hadron Collider) es el acelerador de partıculas más potente del planeta, disenado para colisionar protones a 14 TeV de energıa de centro de masa. Este …