Assessing the vertical land motion (VLM) at tide gauges (TG) is crucial to understanding global and regional mean sea-level changes (SLC) over the last century. However …
Improving and homogenizing time and space reference systems on Earth and, more specifically, realizing the Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) with an accuracy of 1 mm and a …
SUMMARY Observations from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission provide quantitative estimates of the global water budget components …
Earth's lithospheric deformation in response to geophysical and climatic processes manifests as a wide range of spatio-temporal elastic/viscoelastic deformation, including …
Present‐day mass redistribution increases the total ocean mass and, on average, causes the ocean bottom to subside elastically. Therefore, barystatic sea level rise is larger than the …
Rising sea levels due to climate change can have severe consequences for coastal populations and ecosystems all around the world. Understanding and projecting sea-level …
The velocity estimates and their uncertainties derived from position time series of Global Navigation Satellite System stations are affected by seasonal signals and their harmonics …
We distinguish between two models of solid Earth's viscoelastic response to unloading of the Laurentide ice sheet over the past 26,000 years. The upper mantle viscosity in both …
Spherical geodetic satellites tracked by satellite laser ranging (SLR) stations provide indispensable scientific products that cannot be replaced by other sources. For studying the …