[PDF][PDF] Dependability Attributes for increased Security in Component-based Software Development.

H Kahtan, NA Bakar, R Nordin - J. Comput. Sci., 2014 - researchgate.net
Existing software applications become increasingly distributed as their continuity and
lifetimes are lengthened; consequently, the users' dependence on these applications is …

An architecture to resilient and highly available identity providers based on OpenID standard

HA Cunha - 2014 - tede.ufam.edu.br
Secure authentication services and systems typically are based on two main approaches:
the first one seeks to defend itself of all kind of attack. Actually, the major current services …

Um serviço de diretórios tolerante a falhas e intrusões

R Mendonça Neto - 2016 - tede.ufam.edu.br
Serviços de diretório são frequentemente usados para armazenar informações sensíveis
(eg, dados e credenciais de usuários) nos mais variados sistemas críticos, tais como …

[引用][C] Security for Future Networks (SecFuNet)

HN TUM, E Feitosa, J da Silva Fraga, O Malichevskyy…