Collagen—emerging collagen based therapies hit the patient

EA Abou Neel, L Bozec, JC Knowles, O Syed… - Advanced drug delivery …, 2013 - Elsevier
The choice of biomaterials available for regenerative medicine continues to grow rapidly,
with new materials often claiming advantages over the short-comings of those already in …

Modulation of cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation on materials designed for body implants

L Bacakova, E Filova, M Parizek, T Ruml… - Biotechnology …, 2011 - Elsevier
The interaction of cells and tissues with artificial materials designed for applications in
biotechnologies and in medicine is governed by the physical and chemical properties of the …

Spatial coordination between cell and nuclear shape within micropatterned endothelial cells

M Versaevel, T Grevesse, S Gabriele - Nature communications, 2012 -
Growing evidence suggests that cytoplasmic actin filaments are essential factors in the
modulation of nuclear shape and function. However, the mechanistic understanding of the …

EMT as the ultimate survival mechanism of cancer cells

N Tiwari, A Gheldof, M Tatari, G Christofori - Seminars in cancer biology, 2012 - Elsevier
Epithelial cancers make up the vast majority of cancer types and, during the transition from
benign adenoma to malignant carcinoma and metastasis, epithelial tumor cells acquire a de …

A hitchhiker's guide to mechanobiology

J Eyckmans, T Boudou, X Yu, CS Chen - Developmental cell, 2011 -
More than a century ago, it was proposed that mechanical forces could drive tissue
formation. However, only recently with the advent of enabling biophysical and molecular …

Demonstration of mechanical connections between integrins, cytoskeletal filaments, and nucleoplasm that stabilize nuclear structure

AJ Maniotis, CS Chen… - Proceedings of the …, 1997 - National Acad Sciences
We report here that living cells and nuclei are hard-wired such that a mechanical tug on cell
surface receptors can immediately change the organization of molecular assemblies in the …

Reversion of the malignant phenotype of human breast cells in three-dimensional culture and in vivo by integrin blocking antibodies

VM Weaver, OW Petersen, F Wang… - The Journal of cell …, 1997 -
In a recently developed human breast cancer model, treatment of tumor cells in a 3-
dimensional culture with inhibitory β1-integrin antibody or its Fab fragments led to a striking …

EWMA document: negative pressure wound therapy: overview, challenges and perspectives

J Apelqvist, C Willy, AM Fagerdahl… - Journal of wound …, 2017 -
1. Introduction Since its introduction in clinical practice in the early 1990's negative pressure
wounds therapy (NPWT) has become widely used in the management of complex wounds in …

Mechanics, malignancy, and metastasis: the force journey of a tumor cell

S Kumar, VM Weaver - Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, 2009 - Springer
A cell undergoes many genetic and epigenetic changes as it transitions to malignancy.
Malignant transformation is also accompanied by a progressive loss of tissue homeostasis …

Tensegrity: the architectural basis of cellular mechanotransduction

DE Ingber - Annual review of physiology, 1997 -
▪ Abstract Physical forces of gravity, hemodynamic stresses, and movement play a critical
role in tissue development. Yet, little is known about how cells convert these mechanical …