Pengembangan media pembelajaran berupa buletin dalam bentuk buku saku untuk pembelajran IPA terpadu

A Asyhari, H Silvia - Jurnal ilmiah pendidikan fisika Al …, 2016 -
This research aims to; 1) develop learning media in the form of an integrated science
bulletin on sound material; 2) investigate the response of students to the feasibility study …

Implementasi model physics independent learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika peserta didik

TM Wardani, E Evendi, M Mudatsir… - JIPI (Jurnal IPA dan …, 2021 -
Physics is a science that discusses every result of studying the answers to the question of
causes, as well as natural phenomena that can occur. The most complex problem …

Improving Student Learning Independence Towards Project-Based Learning Model: A Case Study In Making Herbarium Name Card Products

A Purnomo, A Ekantini - IJIET (International Journal of …, 2023 -
The independence of student learning is one aspect to determine the success of student
learning, but the fact is that there are still many students who need to be more independent …

Model problem based learning berbantuan jurnal belajar terhadap kemampuan metakognitif siswa

P Lestari, S Wardani, M Khusniati - JIPVA (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA …, 2019 -
Jurnal belajar dapat dijadikan sebagai media untuk melakukan kegiatan menilai diri sendiri
yang dapat dintegrasikan dengan problem-based learning (PBL). Tujuan dari penelitian ini …

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPA Berbentuk Bulletin Berbasis Sosio-Scientific issues materi Rotasi dan Revolusi

P Nurmiati, T Setiawan… - PISCES …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi minimnya bahan ajar yang inovatif dan kreatif yang selama
ini terpaku pada modul ajar. Output yang di hasilkan dari penelitian ini berupa bahan ajar …

Developing iSpring physics e-book to optimize conceptual understanding on simple harmonic vibration

F Kurnianto, H Kuswanto, YM Kobesi - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2024 -
This learning was strongly correlated with the cognitive domain. Based on some research
that has been done, many students do not understand the concept of physics. This study …

[PDF][PDF] Revolutionizing Autism Education: Harnessing AI for Tailored Skill Development in Social, Emotional, and Independent Learning Domains

OP Adako, OC Adeusi… - Journal of Computational …, 2022 -
This review explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to address the special needs of
children with autism. It examines the issues of specific skill development in the course of this …

[DOC][DOC] Developing Physics E-book Using iSpring to Optimize Conceptual Understanding on Simple Harmonic Vibration

F Kurnianto, H Kuswanto, YM Kobesi -
This learning was strongly correlated with the cognitive domain. Many learners cannot
understand the physics concept. This study aims to (1) produce a physics E-Book Assisted …


RH Rezki Hidayanti - 2019 -
Metakognisi. Skripsi. Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
Alam. Universitas Negeri Makassar.(Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Nurdin Arsyad, M. Pd. dan …

[引用][C] Independent Learning in A Classroom-Based Curriculum: Cognitive Strategies and Students' Self-Confidence in Learning Mathematics

MM Effendi, AAP Rosyadi, MA Hamid - Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA, 2024