This paper illustrates the development and the applicability of an Evolutionary Computation approach to enhance the treatment of Type-1 diabetic patients that necessitate insulin …
Diabetes mellitus is a lifelong disease in which either the pancreas fails to produce insulin or the produced amount is insufficient to control blood sugar levels. A way to tackle this …
The quality of life of diabetic patients can be enhanced by devising a personalized control algorithm, integrated within an artificial pancreas, capable of dosing the insulin. A key action …
The management of diabetes is a very complex task, hence devising automatic procedures able to predict the glycemic level can represent a significant step towards the building of an …
An open problem in diabetes clinical practice is determining where and how much insulin should be administered to a person with diabetes (PwD) and how many carbohydrates they …
On advanced stages of the disease, diabetic patients have to inject insulin doses to maintain blood glucose levels inside of a healthy range. The decision of how much insulin is injected …