
MG Jeschke, FM Wood, E Middelkoop… - Nature Reviews …, 2023 -
Wound healing occurs as a response to disruption of the epidermis and dermis. It is an
intricate and well-orchestrated response with the goal to restore skin integrity and function …

The immune and regenerative response to burn injury

M Burgess, F Valdera, D Varon, E Kankuri, K Nuutila - Cells, 2022 -
Burn are diverse and complex injuries that not only have local effects but also serious
systemic consequences through severe and prolonged inflammatory response. They are …

Recent trends on burn wound care: Hydrogel dressings and scaffolds

Y Yao, A Zhang, C Yuan, X Chen, Y Liu - Biomaterials science, 2021 -
Acute and chronic wounds can cause severe physical trauma to patients and also result in
an immense socio-economic burden. Thus, wound management has attracted increasing …

Cellular human tissue-engineered skin substitutes investigated for deep and difficult to heal injuries

Á Sierra-Sánchez, KH Kim, G Blasco-Morente… - NPJ Regenerative …, 2021 -
Wound healing is an important function of skin; however, after significant skin injury (burns)
or in certain dermatological pathologies (chronic wounds), this important process can be …

Healing mechanisms in cutaneous wounds: tipping the balance

AJ Singer - Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 2022 -
Acute and chronic cutaneous wounds pose a significant health and economic burden.
Cutaneous wound healing is a complex process that occurs in four distinct, yet overlapping …

Antibiotic delivery strategies to treat skin infections when innate antimicrobial defense fails

R Smith, J Russo, J Fiegel, N Brogden - Antibiotics, 2020 -
The epidermal skin barrier protects the body from a host of daily challenges, providing
protection against mechanical insults and the absorption of chemicals and xenobiotics. In …

Updates on recent clinical assessment of commercial chronic wound care products

A Sharma, D Sharma, F Zhao - Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Impaired wound healing after trauma, disorders, and surgeries impact millions of people
globally every year. Dysregulation in orchestrated healing mechanisms and underlying …

Accelerated wound closure of deep partial thickness burns with acellular fish skin graft

R Stone, EC Saathoff, DA Larson, JT Wall… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
Thermal injuries are caused by exposure to a variety of sources, and split thickness skin
grafts are the gold standard treatment for severe burns; however, they may be impossible …

[HTML][HTML] Burn debridement, grafting, and reconstruction

JA Browning, R Cindass - Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls …, 2022 -
Objectives: Outline the presentation of a patient with burn injuries. Describe the treatment
considerations for patients with burn injuries. Summarize the management considerations …

Current advanced therapies based on human mesenchymal stem cells for skin diseases

Á Sierra-Sánchez, T Montero-Vilchez… - Frontiers in Cell and …, 2021 -
Skin disease may be related with immunological disorders, external aggressions, or genetic
conditions. Injuries or cutaneous diseases such as wounds, burns, psoriasis, and …