The importance of stories untold: Life-story, event-story and trope

S Sandberg - Crime, Media, Culture, 2016 -
Stories make harmful actions both plausible and compelling. They provide a lot of what
qualitative researchers consider data, but as a discursive form have received only scant …

Habitus, capital, and conflict: Bringing Bourdieusian field theory to criminology

VL Shammas, S Sandberg - Criminology & Criminal Justice, 2016 -
Bourdieu's key conceptual tools, including the forms of capital and habitus, have recently
come to be deployed with greater frequency in criminological research. Less attention has …

Stories of violence: A narrative criminological study of ambiguity

S Sandberg, S Tutenges, H Copes - British Journal of …, 2015 -
Violence features in human life, not only as actual physical confrontation but also as stories.
Stories of violence are particularly important in violence-prone subcultures and among those …

Cybercrime is (often) boring: Infrastructure and alienation in a deviant subculture

B Collier, R Clayton, A Hutchings… - The British Journal of …, 2021 -
The boredom and alienation produced by capitalist societies and countervailing forces of
attraction and excitement are at the heart of the subcultural account of crime. The …

Female cannabis users and new masculinities: The gendering of cannabis use

SL Dahl, S Sandberg - Sociology, 2015 -
Cannabis is sometimes associated with feminine or gender neutral values. Still, most
cannabis users are male, and in our data cannabis use is associated with masculinity. In …

Cybercrime is (often) boring: maintaining the infrastructure of cybercrime economies

B Collier, R Clayton, A Hutchings, D Thomas - 2020 -
It is generally accepted that the widespread availability of specialist services has helped
drive the growth of cybercrime in the past fifteen to twenty years. Individuals and groups …

Bordered penal populism: When populism and Scandinavian exceptionalism meet

J Todd-Kvam - Punishment & Society, 2019 -
Penality in Scandinavia has been seen as somewhat of an outlier, a redoubt against the
punitive turn witnessed in other parts of Western Europe and the United States. This article …

Classifying the variety of drug trafficking organizations

M Natarajan, M Zanella, C Yu - Journal of Drug Issues, 2015 -
A standard typology of drug trafficking organizations would assist in interpreting the results
of studies made of these organizations. Several such typologies have been proposed, and …

Bourdieu on supply: Utilizing the 'theory of practice'to understand complexity and culpability in heroin and crack cocaine user-dealing

L Moyle, R Coomber - European journal of criminology, 2017 -
The act of user-dealing has largely been explored within criminology in conjunction with the
'drug–crime'link or with a focus on ethnography and subculture. Whereas it is known that …

Laughter in stories of crime and tragedy: The importance of humor for marginalized populations

S Sandberg, S Tutenges - Social Problems, 2019 -
Humor is essential to social life, but it is often overlooked in the study of crime and other
social problems. We introduce and make use of humor theory, emphasizing the theories of …